Flood Crisis News
Prayer requests
Final Flood Update:
October 17, 2024
Over four months has passed since the disasters of flood water, boulders, mud and debris altered life in Maai Mahiu, Kenya and the surrounding community. The Kenyan Defense forces are long gone. Many funerals have taken place. Children are all at their studies and candidates in Grade 6 and 12 are preparing for cumulative exams.
Beneath the surface of daily activity, compassionate relief efforts continue. With the support of our friends and donors the following responses have been possible:
Stipends for local pastors working extra hours to visit and pray with all relocated flood victims. (The same pastors assist John and Leah with pre-assessment visits and follow-ups for physical needs.)
Housing for counselors working with victims in Maai Mahiu.
Assistance with funeral costs.
Hosting meetings, retreats and camps for community leaders and flood victims.
Replacement home furnishings, food, cooking utensils, Bibles, school uniforms, medical expenses, transportation and school fees as needed for displaced victims.
Mud out work, pit latrine construction and home repairs for neighbors whose property was still livable.
These helps cannot erase the pain of trauma and loss for our Valley Light staff and community, but they do provide a way forward where needed. Giving comfort is the same as receiving the gift of purpose. As leaders of our children’s home and in the community, John and Leah set the example of a meaningful life worth living for many who struggle with questions about their existence in disaster aftermath. They will continue with personal visits to victims, the relief activities listed above, collaboration with other community leaders and conversations with their own children at Valley Light as the work of healing takes its time.
The board of Valley Light offers our deep gratitude at this time to all who have cared for the Valley Light community with messages, visits, prayer and financial contributions for relief. The children have experienced kindness and participated in service that will impact their understanding of God’s faithfulness beyond this crisis. Please click the link below to see several current pictures on our website flood crisis tab where prayer requests and praises are also listed.
If you have questions about support for our "where most needed” efforts or daily operations, please reach out to us via our Contact Page.
Virginia Lynn
Valley Light Programs, Inc.
Board Chair
October 17, 2024
John and Leah check in regularly with neighbors whose compounds were covered with several feet of mud during the second flood event on May 6, 2024. These sisters, Beatrice and Rachel, are now living with some restored normalcy after Valley Light helped clean out and reconstruct their latrine and cluster of family homes. As with so many, they still have work to repair fences and re-plant the crops they lost.
John and Leah return to deliver furnishings with Pastor Lawrence after spending days visiting relocated flood victims in their sparse, temporary apartments. Many who lost family and homes during the first landslide relocated to lodgings in Maai Mahiu, but lack basic furnishings, cooking stoves and utensils. One at a time, by carefully traced relocation area, John and Leah take time to listen to victims’ stories, hear requests, notice unspoken needs and assess untreated medical conditions. They follow up with as many helps as possible while onlookers in the road wonder who would step in to assist these transplants among them.
At the boulder field below the mouth of the first raging flow of water and debris, John and Leah still walk and talk about how the community will pick up the pieces and move forward. Shifted roadways, timeline setbacks, still-healing wounds and empty places in church choirs are all lingering reminders that everyone has been touched by the acute suffering here.
At the spot where the May 6th waters split into four paths of damage, John and Leah take a pause between visits to check on several older, but very strong, flood victims. Their conversations recount the importance of old and new relationships, the comfort of God’s provisions and the possibilities that spring from a steadfast hope.
October 17, 2024
That the people who need assistance the most will receive it out of the funds we have remaining.
That if any person or family suffering loss has not been identified, they would come to our attention.
God would bless the time and redeem the strength of the counselors, pastors and volunteers who have been meeting with flood victims.
That the road to Kijabe and the railway bridges will be routed and repaired properly.
For agreement on how to direct drainage safely toward the river bed before the next rainy season.
As the three months of government housing allowance has expired, pray that the leaders will remember promises to help with permanent housing solutions.
That witnesses to Valley Light recovery efforts would see that merciful love comes from God and learn that he offers his greatest gift, freely to all who believe- salvation through his son, Jesus Christ.
There were not any widespread outbreaks of water- borne diseases after the floods.
Many churches and individuals reached out to help with big and small needs in the community.
Smaller roadways and bridges in Maai Mahiu’s outskirts have been repaired.
Valley Light Home hosted a group from Cairn University who cared for many flood victims and will host a group from Westminster Presbyterian Church in December who will minister to teenagers impacted by the floods.
July 12, 2024
In the weeks since since the last update the issues related to the flood crisis have been compounded by earthquakes and economic unrest:
In the early hours of Tuesday, June 18, four of six detected earthquakes shook Valley Light Home. While the rumbling renewed fears of disaster, the home was not damaged. Sadly, some boulders, already loosened by the mudslides, rolled further down the mountain. These caused more damage and and even crushed one neighbor’s home that had survived the flood.
A week after the earthquakes, on June 25, violent protests in Nairobi erupted in response to a finance bill passed by the Kenyan parliament which raised taxes beyond what citizens could tolerate. As leaderless youth took up demonstrating across the country, they called for the president to implement austerity measures and cut back spending on his travel and official hospitality. The president responded by repealing the finance law but also deploying the Kenyan Defense Forces to control protests. The atmosphere remains charged as the government determines how to raise revenue and pay down Kenyan debt.​
Now ten weeks after the first flood and mudslide event, Valley Light, other ministries and community leaders have a better understanding of the widespread needs in the area of impact. The government provided 3 months of temporary shelter to most families who lost their homes (some fell through the cracks while receiving medical care), Naomi’s Village is focused on rebuilding roads and bridges and Just One Africa continues to provide much needed counseling and clean water solutions. John and Leah have focused their efforts on partnering with 10 local pastors to visit all disaster victims, hear their stories and learn of the needs unique to each family whose losses include loved ones, homes, possessions, animals and livelihoods. The one-on-one time with these devastated neighbors allows for better understanding of the flood impact and more efficient use of your relief donations. Growing relationships with the victims, John and Leah have been able to meet many physical needs and also offer comfort that is unshakable in the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Though their work is physically and emotionally strenuous, your donations allow them to lift up these victims with food, transportation, school fees, clinic fees, furniture, safe housing, bibles, household items, school uniforms, latrines and mud removal.​
God has protected Valley Light Home from damage, so the grounds continue to serve as a beautiful place to provide refreshment to community leaders, pastors and victims as they gather for planning, counseling and visiting. The children of Valley Light Home are also hosts and close witnesses as John and Leah dedicate themselves to walking the journey of healing and recovery with their neighbors. With encouragement from your support and prayers they can offer help to victims and receive their painful stories of loss which could otherwise silently break families, erode hope, threaten their dignity and make room for even more desperation. John is also committed to press the government to rebuild railroad properly or relocate it so that the communities surrounding Maai Mahiu can rebuild safely without fear of another flood event once the rainy seasons come again.​
The Valley Light children enjoyed a short school break ending on July 1. Before that, their school bus was back to its route after some road repairs made Valley Light accessible again. Pisgah Heights School won a music competition and advanced to the inter-county level, giving everyone a reason to celebrate. Work is underway to restore Valley Light farm area and crops (behind the rear wall) that were completely washed away. Also, the compound wall will be heightened due to several feet of mud deposits on the exterior.​
If you specifically designated “where most needed” donations after April 29 they have made the efforts mentioned above possible! John and Leah know you stand with them as they lead efforts to stabilize life for many families and children who are struggling in numerous ways. The needs will be ongoing! www.valleylightprograms.org (All undesignated gifts support the daily operations of Valley Light Home and Pisgah Heights School.)
Please read the prayer and praise requests below for more details. Your giving, prayers and encouragement help make Valley Light a place of true hope, a haven and an example of compassionate care in the community.
**Camp Furaha is now just 5 1/2 months away. This camp will give our kids something to look forward to this November and December! Please email v.lynn.vlh@gmail.com if you want to learn how we plan to make the holiday break a time of good memories for our children instead of vulnerability.
July 12, 2024
For the government to follow through on assurances that they will fix roads and resettle flood survivors who have lost their homes and all that they own.
Protection from economic unrest and no violent clashes as the military deploys.
Road repairs to provide cars safe access to Kijabe and its hospital once again.
Coordination of labor and materials to make correct and lasting repairs to the unstable railroad structures which caused the flood disaster and pose a future threat.
Provisions and resources for the community water source to be repaired and functional again.
Efficient, impactful applications of available relief funds and physical resources and God’s direction and supervision of all future rebuilding efforts.
God to the thwart the hands and hearts of corruption.
Enough rain to provide adequate drinking water in catchment tanks and containers. -
Wisdom for John and Leah to know how they should respond to the unfolding needs.
God’s timing and pathway to expand Pisgah Heights Schools as the demand for caring, wholistic Christian education grows.
Continued opportunities for the lost to hear the true Gospel clearly proclaimed and for believers to be strengthened in their hope.
God’s continued comfort and the provision of trauma counseling for all who need it.
Refreshing sleep for John, Leah, all the staff and Cece.
More moments of normalcy in routines and relationships for all who are in continued crisis mode. -
Valley Light staff and children to know God’s peace and comfort as they process painful memories.
Valley Light compound wall and buildings suffered no significant damage in the earthquakes.
Pisgah Heights buses are back on their routes.
Many families are benefitting as we share the water from our source up the mountain.
The goodness of healthy routines and the distraction of school for all of the children who attend Pisgah Heights.
Real help is reaching crisis victims after good communication between churches, ministries, Just One Africa and community leaders.
Healing and restored hope for those who have received Jesus’ unshakable salvation.
Compassion, unity, generosity, faith and service displayed by the many incredible friends and supporters who remind everyone in the Valley Light family that they are not alone. Especially those who have braved travel to be with John and Leah.
Protection of all sorts.
June 4, 2024
John and Leah Njoroge describe the effects of all the flooding:
June 4, 2024
The best place for the children of Valley Light continues to be their own home despite continuing difficulties all around. They are able to attend school thanks to the four wheel drive vehicles that can make the journey into town and back. The relief efforts and grieving involve so many people they know in their neighborhood. Staying at home means they are aware of the recovery activities and can understand the ways that neighbors are working together. They can hear stories of God’s mercies and of sorrows that will be part of their childhood experience forever. They participate in hosting gatherings at Valley Light and even helped fill 200 Serv International food sacks for distribution on May 25th to the community up the mountain who have been completely cut off since the April 29 landslide.
The plans to optimally divert waters coming down from the mountain have changed several times over the last 10 days as continued flow of water and debris impact efforts. (Significant additional rains and flooding came on the nights of May 21, 24 and some May 27.) Individuals with shovels and the Kenya Defense Forces with large equipment are digging canals around homes that are half buried in mud to try and keep those from further damage. The community, including Valley Light, is providing fuel and even more equipment will be needed to dig out homes before neighbors can return to their properties. There are eighteen of these homes visible just beyond Valley Light’s rear wall. Twelve more are very close by. Small steps toward progress are mixed with sadness as losses are counted across the altered landscape.
Spared of flood damage, Valley Light has had the opportunity to host several important gatherings in the meeting space upstairs and on the grounds. The Kenya Board, community leaders, government representatives, healthcare workers, counselors, schoolmates, pastors and flood survivors have met at Valley Light to plan, eat, talk, connect and even play in the beautiful spaces. All of the Serve International food bundles (mentioned above) were prepared at Valley Light. Our home has held group and individual counseling events with sessions led by the “Send Relief” ministry sponsored by JOA, as well as a very large water filter distribution on June 4th. John and Leah will continue to host these gatherings, feed guests, share the love of Christ, and make time to cry, laugh, collaborate and grow through this crisis.
We were able to reconnect our water pipeline from Valley Light to our water source property! Naomi’s Village will provide a 10,000 liter water tank in a public place. Valley Light will fill up this tank once a day so that people from the community can fill their containers on a daily basis until the community pipes are repaired.
We will continue to apply your “where most needed” donations community toward these and other efforts that stabilize life for many families and children who are struggling in numerous ways. Even those families placed by the government in temporary apartments in Maai Mahiu lack stoves, bedding, utensils and all the basics. Thank you (asante sana) to all who have given much needed crisis response donations!! The funds, your prayers and your care are an incredible encouragement during these very long, hard days.
**Make sure to note “where most needed” in the website donation comment field or in your check memo if you would like your donation to be applied to relief efforts. The needs will be ongoing. www.valleylightprograms.org (All undesignated gifts support the daily operations of Valley Light Home and Pisgah Heights School.)
**We are still looking for support of our first Camp Furaha opportunity. This camp will give our kids something to look forward to this November and December! Already your giving, prayers and encouragement make Valley Light a place of true hope, a haven and an example of compassionate care in the community. We hope that many of you can join us in person to make the holiday break a time of good memories for our children instead of vulnerability. (See the website or letter attached to crisis Update #2 sent on May 1.)
June 4, 2024
Coordination of labor and materials to make correct and lasting repairs to the unstable railroad structures which caused the flood disaster and still pose a threat.
For the government to follow through on assurances that they will fix roads and resettle flood survivors who have lost their homes and all that they own.
Provisions and resources for the community water source to be repaired and functional again. No large outbreaks of water borne diseases due to contamination.
Efficient, impactful use of relief funds and physical resources flowing out of ongoing community meetings. God’s direction and supervision of all rebuilding efforts.
Rains to continue in moderation to provide adequate drinking water but not enough to cause more flood emergencies.
Wisdom for John and Leah to know they should help with all of the unfolding needs.
Safety for children and drivers carrying children to school and back using private vehicles while bus routes remain washed out.
Safety for John, Leah and other partners as they gather supplies and help flood victims using 4 wheel drive only routes.
Abundant opportunities for the lost to hear the Gospel clearly proclaimed and for believers to be strengthened in their hope, especially as John speaks on Saturday afternoon at an event organized by the churches of Maai Mahiu.
God’s continued comfort and the provision of counseling for all who need it.
Refreshing sleep for John, Leah, all the staff and Cece.
Small moments of normalcy in routines and relationships for all who are in constant crisis mode.
Valley Light staff and children to know God’s peace and comfort even as they face painful memories and anticipate a long, difficult recovery for the community.
Even though the Valley Light farm area behind our rear wall has been completely washed away, Valley Light compound wall and buildings remain intact!
Repair of damaged and lost water pipes and restoration of water from our water source.
A functional warning system alerted neighbors to the coming flood on the night of May 21 so they were able to get out of harms way.
Continued times of prayer and worship with the Valley Light children.
Cooperation between churches, ministries, NGOs and community leaders and Kenyan Defense Forces as relief work begins.
Support from Just One Africa partners, Clay and Amy Churchill.
The capability of our small number of 4 wheel drive vehicles to carry the Valley Light Children back and forth to school in town.
May 23, 2024
Following our website video post of new, severe flooding the night of Tuesday, May 21, heavy rains continued to fall in Kijabe and Maai Mahiu. The resulting flood waters have erased the road repair efforts around Valley Light Home and further isolated our children and staff from access to town in all directions. All roads are impassable and still flowing with water.
Wednesday morning, May 22, John and Clay Churchill, along with a whole team composed of government representatives, Kenya Defense Forces, National Youth Service and Naomi’s Village, went out to follow the route that the water took down into their neighborhood to determine where road repair efforts could be effective. The team determined that the water path will need to be diverted. The new path will pass through both our children’s home and Naomi’s Village, blocking them on all sides while the work takes place.
Our next update will contain news of where the children will stay while the diversion work takes place.
Early in the day, Tuesday, May 21, a team including John, Leah, Uncle Boss and the Churchills located part of the damaged line of water pipes from the Valley Light water source. Once weather allows this discovery will make eventual, painstaking repairs and reconnection of the water line possible.
Please follow next updates for the specific ways your “where most needed” donations will be put to use in community efforts toward stabilizing life for many families and children who are struggling in numerous ways. Your donations are already being applied to the expenses of Valley Light evacuation, displacement and return to home as well as maintenance of John and Leah’s vehicle, extra security and emergency needs of the staff. Thank you (asante sana) to all who have continued to give much needed crisis response donations to “where most needed” at www.valleylightprograms.org! The needs will be ongoing.
Also, please reach out if you are considering support of our first Camp Furaha opportunity! This camp will give our kids something to look forward to this November and December! Already your giving, prayers and encouragement make Valley Light a place of hope, a haven and an example of compassionate care in the community! We hope that many of you can join us in person to make the holiday break a time of good memories for our children instead of vulnerability.
May 23, 2024
Valley Light staff and children to know God’s peace, comfort and strength as they are faced with many painful memories and extreme, present difficulties.
Safety for all involved in rescues, recovery and water diversion: preservation of life and property.
Many provisions for Valley Light’s water pipes and the community water source to be repaired and functional again.
Efficient, impactful use of relief funds and physical resources flowing out of ongoing community meetings.
God’s direction in all efforts.
Rains to continue in moderation to provide adequate drinking water but not enough to cause more flood emergencies.
Wisdom and safety alternative walking and bus routes to school while roads and bridges remain washed out
Safety for John and Leah when they go out in their vehicle
God’s glory and many who are lost to come to him for true rescue. -
Adequate comfort and provisions and counseling for all who need it.
Glimpses of return to normalcy and the relief that will bring to all who are in constant crisis mode
The Valley Light perimeter wall appears to be intact despite continuing, heavy amounts of flowing water and mud.
Continued times of prayer and worship with the Valley Light children.
All of the churches, ministries, NGOs and community leaders wanting to cooperate to bring healing and restoration to Maai Mahiu.
Support from Just One Africa partners, Clay and Amy Churchill.
The good distraction of several days back at school last week.
May 21, 2024
As Flood waters continue to cause new problems and hinder recovery efforts, please pray for the Valley Light family and all of their neighbors. Updates will follow as daylight brings clarity on the impact of these 5/21 nighttime rains.
Recent video from John Njoroge showing the effect of these rains:
May 17, 2024
**At the time of composing this update (5/17 at 9:00 AM CST) heavy flood waters are once again rushing down the road in front of the Valley Light entrance and also behind the rear wall of the home. The source of the flooding is not yet known but the children are all stuck at school as they end the day and close the week of return to classes.
Over the last week the following circumstances led to the decision to move the Valley Light children from Kijabe back to their home on the outskirts of Maai Mahiu on Sunday afternoon, May 12.
Rains had moderated.
Manual pumping and some steady natural drainage of the ravine behind Rift Valley Academy had stabilized that site.
On Saturday, an inspection of the most precarious dam revealed lower water levels, a strong embankment and appropriate, steady drainage.
The government announced schools would open on Monday, May 13.
The whole extended family is extremely grateful to many members of the Kijabe community who offered sacrificial kindness, help, entertainment and open doors during the long days of evacuation.
On Thursday, May 9th, at several locations around Maai Mahiu, the government held memorial services to honor those lost to floods. These were followed by burial services on May 10. During the national memorial services held for all of the victims, and attended by Kenya’s Deputy President, John was asked to speak on behalf of the community of Maai Mahiu. He made a plea for the government to use equipment already on the ground to fix badly damaged roads and bridges. His request found favor among the high-ranking leaders in attendance including the Deputy President. Some of the equipment has been left in Maai Mahiu to begin repair work and not been deployed to other affected areas. The magnitude of devastation remains as an ever-present challenge and reminder of the many lives, homes and livelihoods lost. There is still the threat that shaken, water-soaked earth held around the track of the railway system could give way with any other sudden heavy rainfall.
While keeping safety as the top priority, Valley Light Children are making a daily walk and ride combination to get to school. ​
John, Leah and many other leaders attended a community meeting Thursday, May 16. They were able to identify key needs and form committees in charge of action plans. The impact of trauma and grief on for various specific groups, infrastructure, communication and restoration were some of the key areas where efforts will be focused in a coordinated manner.
Please follow next updates for the specific ways your “where most needed” donations will be put to use in community efforts toward stabilizing life for many families and children who are struggling in numerous ways. Your donations are already being applied to the expenses of Valley Light evacuation, displacement and return to home as well as maintenance of John and Leah’s vehicle, extra security and emergency needs of the staff. Thank you (asante sana) to all who have continued to give much needed crisis response donations to “where most needed” at www.valleylightprograms.org! The needs will be ongoing.
Also, please reach out if you are considering support of our first Camp Furaha opportunity! This camp will give our kids something to look forward to this November and December! Already your giving, prayers and encouragement make Valley Light a place of hope, a haven and an example of compassionate care in the community! We hope that many of you can join us in person to make the holiday break a time of good memories for our children instead of vulnerability. (See the website or letter attached to crisis Update #2 sent on May 1.)​
May 17, 2024
Urgent: Protection and peace for the children while they are stranded away from home today, Friday, due to sudden, additional flooding around their home.
Calm for staff experiencing PTSD triggered by these current heavy rains.
Identification of all unstable water sources and effective actions to repair them or re-direct waters.
Adequate comfort and provisions and counseling for all who are in shelters.
Valley Light staff and children to get good sleep and other refreshment as they are faced with many painful memories and present difficulties.
Many provisions for Valley Light’s water pipes and the community water source to be repaired and functional again.
Efficient, impactful use of relief funds and physical resources flowing out of the community leadership meeting and committees.
Rains to continue in moderation to provide adequate drinking water but not enough to cause more flood emergencies.
Safe alternative walking and bus routes to school while roads and bridges remain washed out.
Safety for John and Leah when they go out in their vehicle.
God’s glory and many who are lost to come to him for true rescue.
The Gospel message was clear at the government memorial services.
Beautiful times of prayer and worship with the Valley Light children.
All of the churches, ministries, NGO’s and community leaders wanting cooperate to bring to healing and restoration to Maai Mahiu.
Safe arrival of Just One Africa partners, Clay and Amy Churchill.
Compassion and care that allows for small steps toward a return to normalcy for Valley Light children and staff.
May 7, 2024
At about 10:30 PM East Africa time May 6 a second landslide, triggered from the overflow of a normally small body of water, swept down into Maai Mahiu. The flowing mud and water stayed mostly on the road as it pushed almost to the Naivasha Highway. Valley Light Home was again spared damage but neighbors continue to fill the shelter. Officials declared a further mandatory evacuation of Ruiru in Maai Mahiu noting that probable landslides will cover this area where the Valley Light water pipes were routed just last fall from our water source.
More than a week after the original 4/29 flood event devastated Maai Mahiu and caused the evacuation of our Valley Light family to Kijabe, all residents remain on high alert for impacts of continued flooding and potential damage from specific points of swelling waters above the valley, especially Matches Dam and a ravine just outside Kijabe.
Impassable roads, total lack of water supply to Kijabe and the hurt of their entire community experiencing collective shock and loss weigh heavy on John, Leah and all the staff.
The children remain well and plans have moved forward for them to receive counseling as the catastrophe continues to play out around them.
A massive government funeral is planned for Thursday of this week to grieve all those who died last week even as the search for missing persons continues.
Additional guards remain at Valley Light Home to discourage opportunistic thieves. The Home is only accessible by wading through flood waters and mud but the buildings are still secure and intact as of today, 5/7/24.
Various government agencies are trying to coordinate response for many displaced families as the crisis evolves and worsens.
May 7, 2024
For comfort and provisions for all who have had to evacuate
For staff and children to get deep sleep even during this ongoing alert mode and despite constant reminders of recent tragedies.
For leaders of integrity to step in and help solve problems, make announcements, keep order and report events to agencies who might be able to support various manifestations of the crisis.
For enough rain to catch adequate drinking water but not enough to cause more flood emergencies.
For security guards staying at Valley Light Home while all others are still evacuated to Kijabe.
For the patients at Kijabe Mission Hospital across the road from John and Leah and all the kids to stay well.
Safety for John and Leah when they go out in their vehicle to gather supplies and meet with leaders about flood response and future recovery efforts.
That the Kijabe community has been welcoming to our Valley Light children, even inviting them to use a local school playground.
For John and Leah’s Land Cruiser which allows some movement to gather supplies.
For coordination of help for sheltering families.
For reports of many people doing everything they can to help while all are facing the worst days of their human lives.
For continued sporadic internet connection.
May 6, 2024
***Update: Another landslide was reported today at 10:30 pm East Africa time. At first report Valley Light Home was spared damage and we will share impact once it is fully known.
A full week after the original 4/29 flood event devastated Maai Mahiu and caused the evacuation of our Valley Light family to Kijabe, all residents remain on high alert for impacts of continued flooding and potential damage from specific points of swelling waters above the valley, especially Matches Dam and a ravine just outside Kijabe.
Impassable roads, total lack of water supply to Kijabe and the hurt of their entire community experiencing collective shock and loss weigh heavy on John, Leah and all the staff.
The children remain well and plans have moved forward for them to receive counseling as the catastrophe continues to play out around them.
A massive government funeral is planned for Thursday of this week to grieve all those who died last week even as the search for missing persons continues.
Additional guards remain at Valley Light Home to discourage opportunistic thieves. The Home is only accessible by wading through flood waters and mud but the buildings are still secure as of today, 5/6.
Various government agencies are trying to coordinate response for many displaced families as the crisis evolves and worsens.
Virginia Lynn
Valley Light Programs, Inc.
Board Chair
May 6, 2024
For all residents in the path of soon predicted flooding to evacuate.
For leaders of integrity to step in and help solve problems, make announcements, keep order and report events to agencies who might be able to support various manifestations of the crisis.
For the ability to buy water if rain catchments can’t keep up with demand.
For the patients at Kijabe Mission Hospital across the road from John and Leah and all the kids to stay well.
Safety for John and Leah when they go out in their vehicle to gather food and supplies.
For John and Leah’s Land Cruiser which allows some movement to gather supplies.
For coordination of help for sheltering families.
For reports of many people doing everything they can to help while all are facing the worst days of their human lives.
For continued sporadic internet connection.
May 5, 2024
Dear Friend,
The Valley Light board has confirmed that flood waters have risen around Valley Light Home. Outside the back wall is a flowing river now. Outside the front wall is knee deep mud and water, but so far the property inside the wall is unharmed!
After examination, the embankment closest to Rift Valley Academy, pictured as a threat in yesterday’s aerial photo, holds less water than other swelling areas. After pumping begins Saturday, residents hope to lower its level to reach and remove the debris that is hindering its outflow of water into a narrow gorge that has quite a few trees.
Even if Kijabe is not in as dangerous a position as first thought, there were three other landslides overnight and a large dam is at capacity. The valley below is in the path of water from this dam so many more residents are fleeing the Maai Mahiu area.
Because Kenyan schools will not re-open as planned after April Break on Monday, Valley Light children will remain where they are in Kijabe. President Ruto made a statement on Friday that schools will be closed indefinitely due to widespread flood emergencies, impassable roads and Cyclone Hidaya targeting the eastern coast bringing more rain.
We anticipate further updates, so please check our website tab ‘Flood Updates’ for current prayer requests.
If you would like to give toward recovery and relief efforts, please give to ‘where most needed’ under our donate tab, and watch for more information about the crisis.
The Valley Light US Board of Directors
Virginia Lynn
Valley Light Programs, Inc.
Board Chair
May 4, 2024
The Valley Light Home, children and staff were spared during the original flood event.
The newest baby girl was rescued from a field 3 days before the flood.
John, Leah and all the children are safe in Kijabe.
For acts of kindness including the delivery of milk and tomatoes to Valley Light Home on Monday.
For all of the friends of Valley Light who are praying for God’s mercy and provision.
For protection of the 2 guards staying behind at Valley Light and a rescue if and when they need to leave.
For waters that have risen all around Valley Light Home to find their way out of drainage holes in the walls before backing up into the home.
For Auntie Keziah and her family who had to leave their home quickly to escape flood water Friday.
For power and internet to return to Kijabe where John, Leah and staff are caring for the Valley Light Home children.
For protection of our kids and staff against bites and swelling from the infestation of Narrow Bee Flies in Kijabe.
Place of safe refuge for all Valley Light staff, Pisgah Heights teachers and other valley residents who stayed after evacuations as flooding rains continue to cause damage.
For protection of Pisgah Heights School compound as rain continues to fall.
For the Red Cross and others who are searching to find all who are still missing from Monday’s flood and mudslide.
For the military to successfully siphon water and clear debris from all remaining sources of pent-up water.
For the government to rebuild bridges and repair roads as soon as possible and coordination of recovery efforts among the many groups involved.
For repairs to the community water source.
For repairs to the 50+ meters of damaged pipe from the Valley Light water source.
For creative solutions to food delivery while roads between Maai Mahiu and Kijabe are
impassable. -
For Valley Light staff caregivers’ energy, strength, and comfort as so many have lost friends, loved ones, church family, neighbors and their homes. Especially for the extreme losses and frights of Susan, Keziah, David, Elijah, Boss and Paul.
For supernatural peace and healing from trauma.
For restoration of livelihoods, hope and God’s honor in Maai Mahiu following the disaster.
For the gift of refreshing sleep in such frightening and exhausting times
May 3, 2024
We have learned that there continues to be a threat for more devastation from another source of swelling water.
May 2, 2024
Dear Friend,
The US board is able to add the following updates to our initial flood response:
The area impacted by the devastation, very close to Valley Light Home, is approximately a mile wide and many miles long. The total loss of life is still unknown, but every member of the Valley Light family has been deeply impacted.
The Kenyan military and the Red Cross are evacuating people who remain in the area. Survivors have been able shelter in 2 schools and 1 church. Though Valley Light Home did not suffer damage, our children are moving from the home to safer locations in Kijabe for a few days.
The Kenyan Military is working to remove pent up water from other locations which currently have the potential to result in additional flood emergencies for the same Valley Light Home area.
While priority efforts focus on searching the mud for those still missing, damage to water infrastructure, roads and bridges are also emergencies. Valley Light leaders are meeting with the Red Cross and other local leaders on May 2nd to coordinate and determine their role in relief efforts.
While news outlets are covering the crisis in Kenya, we will communicate further updates specific to our home and school on our website. Please check our Flood Updates tab for urgent prayer requests which include more detail.
Once our part in the community recovery is established we will send word of more specific needs.
If you would like to give to help out during this catastrophe please use the "where most needed" designation on our Donate page.
Virginia Lynn
Valley Light Programs, Inc.
Board Chair
May 2, 2024
God has not diverted from his redemptive agenda in all this tragedy but calls us to respond and live as he chooses.
He both comforts our hearts and establishes them
for every good work and word.
2 Thes 2:16-17.
The Valley Light Home, children and staff were spared.
Pisgah Heights School is standing.
The newest baby girl was rescued from a field 3 days before the flood.
John and Leah are back with the family, and all are safe in Kijabe.
For acts of kindness including the delivery of milk and tomatoes to Valley Light Home on Monday.
For all of the friends of Valley Light who are praying for God’s mercy and provision.
For wisdom and safety and honesty to prevail in all recovery efforts.
For protection of the 2 guards staying behind at Valley Light after evacuation.
For the Red Cross and individual work to find all who are missing.
For the military to successfully clear other dangerous sources of pent-up water.
For the government to rebuild bridges and repair roads as soon as possible.
For repairs to the community water source.
For repairs to the 50+ meters of damaged pipe from the Valley Light water source.
For creative solutions to food delivery while roads between Maai Mahiu and Kijabe are impassable.
For Valley Light staff caregivers’ energy, strength, and comfort as so many have lost friends, loved ones, church family, neighbors and their homes. Especially for the extreme losses and frights of Susan, Keziah, David, Elijah, Boss and Paul.
For supernatural peace and healing from trauma.
For restoration of livelihoods, hope and God’s honor in Maai Mahiu following the disaster.
For the gift of refreshing sleep in such frightening and exhausting times
April 29, 2024
Dear Friend,
After receiving news of the devastating floods that overwhelmed Maai Mahiu, Kenya in the pre-dawn hours of April 29, the Valley Light Board has confirmed that all of the Valley Light Home children and staff are accounted for.
We grieve deeply for the catastrophic losses throughout the community and continue to monitor the situation, especially as impact to our staff, their families and the Pisgah Heights School family becomes known.
We will continue to communicate as the scope of damage becomes clear, and please check back frequently at our website for updated information. Valley Light leaders anticipate responding to community needs through various forms of outreach in the days and weeks to come.
Virginia Lynn
Valley Light Programs, Inc.
Board Chair
We have finally moved into our new home! After many hours of sorting through books, clothes, furniture, kitchenware, etc., and packing multiple boxes, we are now unpacking everything at our new home!
We recently had a detailed inspection by various government agencies at the new home. The director of children's services remarked, "This beautiful building provides more evidence that you genuinely and selflessly care about these children, but we have always known that about Valley Light."
Fall 2021: Newsletter
The last fiscal year ended in September and marked a decade of ministry for VLH. Ten years of raising kids has gone by fast. The joy of watching young lives restored with renewed hope is inconceivable.
We have five students graduating from high school and joining college or trade schools. We have three students in high school and four joining them in April and December 2022. We have 16 students in primary school and are now raising one toddler and two babies.
Our food distribution program continues to serve and minister to hundreds of families in our community.
He leans back in his seat and draws his legs out. He is a picture of sophisticated elegance as he trains his eyes on me. There is a discernible humility in his mannerism, in the polite way he answers my queries and humours my relentless prodding. 45- year-old John Njoroge is a learned man, with three Master's degrees to his name and currently pursuing a PhD from USA's University of Georgia...
The baby cried all through the night. The noise pierced John Njoroge’s head as he slept in the slums and he wished its mother would soothe it. When he woke up the next morning, he found out the baby had been left in the street all through the night and had cried until it died. A passerby dug a small grave to bury the child in, performed the symbol of the cross, and went on his way....
Fall 2020: Newsletter
This week the town of Maai Mahiu has experienced unrest and rioting accompanying a sand harvester protest making conditions for the children of VLH unsafe. A school bus was rented to evacuate the children from Maai Mahiu. They are now in a safe place.
Our Community Bible Study (CBS) continues to meet for our children and staff. We thank the Lord that we are able to do this together as a family. Faith is being strengthened, questions answered and doubts expressed and addressed.
Summer 2020: Newsletter
This month we broke ground for the construction of the new home. We ask your continued prayers for this project.
We have a new kiddo at VLH! This month we had the privilege of welcoming to VLH a nine-month-old baby boy, Odera.
We thank the Lord for another year at Valley Light Home. This is our ninth year since Valley Light Home was launch in July 31, 2011. We baked a huge chocolate cake to commemorate this grand day.
Spring 2020: Newsletter
April is Easter season, a time to reflect on the love that sent the savior to Calvary on our behalf to redeem us. This Easter was no different, amidst all that was happening around us due to COVID-19. We need a savior from not only this pandemic but also from our self-sufficiency and complacency, all which falsely make us feel as though we are the masters of our lives.
For church, we have been greatly privileged to be taught every Sunday by our very own "Dad," John Njoroge. We have had a special exposition of the prodigal son parable in Luke 15. In addition to the teaching, we also have a time of Q&A.
Winter 2020: Newsletter
AWANA thrived in February. We welcomed +350 kids every Sunday. In March we suspended our weekly AWANA ministry until further notice due to COVID-19 precautions and regulations. Pray for more volunteers when we are able to re-open our AWANA ministry.
We thank the Lord for the provision to start homeschooling our younger children. Our two teachers, Nicholas and Mercy, are doing a superb job in motivating and creating excitement in learning.
In March, before COVID-19, the children were excited to go on a field trip to the Nairobi animal orphanage and the mamba (crocodile) village.
December 2019: Newsletter
We closed the month of November on a high note. On November 30th, we held our annual AWANA party which was a great success, as usual! The children came out to receive their Christmas gift and a hearty Christmas lunch. We had a great time sharing and just celebrating together. The parents were there to receive the shoe gifts for their children. Thank you for making all this possible!
In December, eleven girls from VLH and others from our AWANA Club attended the GLOW camp for teenage girls. This camp was a great success and we thank the Lord for making it possible for so many girls to be able to attend! Our prayer is that the girls will use the knowledge they received to make good choices when faced with difficult life issues.
Ocotober 2019: Newsletter
School let out at the end of this month. We have planned a lot of fun filled educational activities this vacation season, to include introducing an active library system for our older children. Regina is our library caretaker. She is in charge of issuing books to other kids and keeping a record of who has what books. This system is really encouraging the kids to read more than they have before.
This month we held our AWANA candidates' prayer and thanksgiving party. This is the day we pray for all our AWANA students who are sitting for their eight grade exams. The students loved this time of prayer and celebrated with cake and soda.